President Trump's Surprising U.N. Address

Tensions are extremely high between America and North Korea at this time. On September 22nd, 2017, contact reporter, Brian Bennett, wrote an article calling out the tension that continues to rise with the "war of words" between both Trump and Kim Jong Un. Trump's aids highly advised against badgering the North Korean leader directly in hopes to make way for the possibility of peace instead of a nuclear war. The CIA has assessed Kim as feeling invincible with a "massive ego". He does not take kindly to being belittled and reacts with violence. Trump has connected with Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe and South Korean President Moon Jae to talk about disarming Kim's nuclear plans. However people believe it to be too late to return to something as civil as negotiations. No one dares to offer up suggestions that would question Kim's authority in fear of suffering the consequences. The article is frightening and brings about the very real issue of Trump's inability to see consequences of his words. He knows how to press buttons and sees this as a form of strength. However, the short-sidedness that comes along with getting the last word will cost us all. His value on strength is important. Hopefully he will soon realize how to utilize it.


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